(four people died in the above accident from alcohol)
When I began to write the article for this week, there were about fifteen of our church teenagers here. I asked them if they had any ideas on what to put in the article. They had a lot of good ideas that they would like to tell people, but there was one thought that was different than what a lot of teenagers would say.
One of the teenagers said, “Preacher, why don’t you do an article about Budweiser. It doesn’t make you wise, it makes you dumb.” She is exactly right. Drinking alcohol does nothing to make you smart or wise, but it does help you to do dumb things.
I don’t know how many times I have heard that people messed up their life because they were drinking. They had gotten pregnant, beat up, in a car wreck, or put in jail because of the influence of alcohol. The Bible says in Proverbs 20:1, “Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Anyone that drinks alcohol is not wise, but dumb.
Some people say that it is alright to drink alcohol in moderation, but God says in Proverbs 23:31 that we are not even to look at wine when it is fermented. Some people call it a gray issue, but it is very clear.
I wonder just how many homes, marriages, and young people have been hurt because someone thought just a little is alright. It would be great if every teenager, and adult would be convinced that alcohol does not help anything at all, but it sure can hurt.
"Helping to keep homes and lives from becoming shipwrecked."