This picture was taken of my pastor, Dr. Jack Hyles, and me when I had first started pastoring, over seventeen years ago. Someone else took the picture and gave it to me years later. I had gone to Bro. Hyles at a pastors luncheon to ask him questions, and he was so gracious to take the time to share his heart and to help me with my life and ministry.
That is what I want this blog to be. I will be sharing from my heart things about marriage, children, church and serving the Lord. I hope something that is said here will be a help to you, as my pastor's words were to me.
Right now, my Wednesday night Bible studies are on, "What Our Children Must Know." I will be putting the outlines on this blog. There are a lot of things I want my children to know, but there are some things they have to know. Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs to teach his son everything that he needed to know. I have 52 topics laid out for the whole year, and on each Bible study, I have laid out the topic into seven different days. The goal of the lessons is for you to teach your children this topic for the week, and to use a different verse and principle every day. I know they work, and pray they will be a blessing to you.
Feel free to e-mail me at if you have any questions you would like me to address on the blog or to email you directly.
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